domenica 23 agosto 2015


E’ da un po’ che circola in rete la foto di una sfera che sembra volare sul suolo marziano, qualcuno l’ha chiamata con molta fantasia sonda aliena. L’immagine fa parte di una foto davvero spettacolare di Marte che sul sito NASA è interattiva, per cui potete divertirvi a esplorarla se ne avete voglia. Vi lascio come sempre il link in descrizione. La foto è costituita da 33 immagini del monte Sharp scattate il 10 aprile scorso.
A possible extraterrestrial probe has been caught on the red planet by the Mars Curiosity Rover. The object which was snapped near mount sharp has a clear spherical design and also appears to be levitating above the Martian surface. It would also be logical to assume considering our own interest in this mysterious planet that an advanced alien species could also be sending out robotic probes to various planets throughout the universe. On the raw NASA image, besides the possible alien sphere, you can also see a strange figure, what appears to be a crouching creature, while next to the creature a kind of statue that shows the head of an animal.The object which was snapped near mount sharp has a clear spherical design and also appears to be levitating above the Martian surface. It would also be logical to assume considering our own interest in this mysterious planet that an advanced alien species could also be sending out robotic probes to various planets throughout the universe. On the raw NASA image, besides the possible alien sphere, you can also see a strange figure, what appears to be a crouching creature, while next to the creature a kind of statue that shows the head of an animal.

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